Now that’s what I call marketing

406 Farragut Ave N., Port Orchard, WA 98366

The listing photos for this home are just inexplicable.

406 Farragut Ave N., Port Orchard, WA 98366

That one is the primary listing photo.

406 Farragut Ave N., Port Orchard, WA 98366

How about we check out the view? Surely you can’t screw that up, right?

406 Farragut Ave N., Port Orchard, WA 98366


And yet, somehow this home went to pending status the day after it was listed.

Something smells fishy.

About the Author

Marty E.
Naked Loon Editor-in-Chief

2 Comments on "Now that’s what I call marketing"

  1. Emerald63 | July 8, 2015 at 1:36 AM |

    I’ve got it! I know why the home went pending so quickly! Potential buyers realized from the photos that at least one person involved in the sale – maybe all of them – are completely drunk. What better way to ensure you can underpay for the property without anyone being any the wiser? Proof? Well, besides the exterior shots (no pun intended)? The lovely rendering of the roof leak in Pic 10 and the shattered cooktop in Pic 11. Sheesh, I didn’t even know that could happen! Best of look to whomever takes on this place. It definitely needs “some work” as they euphemistically say.

  2. Emerald63 | July 8, 2015 at 3:51 PM |

    @Emerald63: “Best of luck… luck…” not look.


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