“The Persimmon has it all.”

928 Palace Garden Way, Raleigh, NC 27603

I’m a little unclear about what exactly is being offered for sale here. Is it a giant concrete gazebo? Or perhaps an outdoor volleyball court complete with four topless players? With only seven photos and no interior shots, I’m downright confused.

928 Palace Garden Way, Raleigh, NC 27603

The listing description isn’t helping much here, either:

The Persimmon has it all. Covered front porch & also covered rear porch. Fantastic lot! … Neighorhood (sic) amenities include pool, fitness, tennis!!

Whoa, a covered front porch and a covered rear porch?!? MIND = BLOWN.

About the Author

Marty E.
Naked Loon Editor-in-Chief

11 Comments on "“The Persimmon has it all.”"

  1. Wait, wait, an image is forming in my mind…. OK – all the pictures are of the “neighorhood amenities” of some sort of presumably gated-comunity-type place called “Renaissance Park” – which, like so many other ambitious new developments of the previous decade, was never completed.

    Having recently raised enough cash from long- suffering relatives and former friends to put shingles, siding and windows on the thing, the desperate owner of this speculative little corner of paradise isn’t making any promises beyond what you see here. :D

  2. From the listing:
    “No remarks available.”
    Well, that’s helpful… not.

    I bet you’re right about the sellers needing to dump an unsuccessful development, anodean. To be honest, though, the first thing I thought of when I saw it was a college campus. Something about the brick colonial common areas made me think of a smaller, Southern state college. What’s strange is that the houses are stick construction in a sort of farm house style. That’s an odd pairing.

  3. Darn! Forgot to mention, I’ve left Valentine’s Greetings at ICHC for those on my cheezfriends list. That would be anodean, Samme, and Frodo. You can also see it this way: http://cheezburger.com/7062160128

  4. Maybe it’s a fraternity house. I hope the initiation rites aren’t too rigorous!

  5. Denita TwoDragons | February 17, 2013 at 9:41 AM |

    “For the low, low price of your arm, leg, and firstborn offspring, YOU TOO can have a speculative home in a fictional corner of this undeveloped lot! CALL NOW and we’ll throw in an ephemeral lifetime pass to the as-yet-built Gym and Day Spa! Still-Unhired Operators are Not Standing By to take YOUR call!”

  6. @Denita TwoDragons: May we assume you have some experience in the futures market? You seem to be quite clear on the concept… LOL

  7. Denita TwoDragons | February 17, 2013 at 2:10 PM |

    @Emerald63: No direct experience…but I’m surrounded by a whole plethora of failed subdivisions and half-built gated communities gone to seed. Sort of “experience by osmosis”… ;-)

  8. @Denita TwoDragons: Crying shame, that… the half-builts. Not a community, but still more than enough human interference to have killed the local ecosystem. Sub-prime loan bastards……. wrecked our economy (along with the pols who ditched regulations) and got away scott free. Not a single one has been charged, let alone indicted, tried, or convicted. >:(

  9. Denita TwoDragons | February 22, 2013 at 3:12 PM |

    @Emerald63: Well the nice thing is, the local ecosystem is pretty hardy and the wildlife have taken advantage of the weedy lots to reestablish themselves a bit. I mean, we *are* living near an artificially-created lake ecosystem, so the normal order of things was well and truly turned on its ear long before I was born. There’s only one natural lake in all of Texas, and it’s shared by Louisiana. ;-)

    So needless to say, we’re a suburb with three established herds numbering up to 200 strong most years, and a very fine population of desert cottontails and grey foxes, a pack of coyotes that serenade me most evenings, and a host of lovely native birds that greet me with song most of the year. So I can’t complain… ;-)

  10. Denita TwoDragons | February 22, 2013 at 3:12 PM |

    @Denita TwoDragons: That’s three established herds OF DEER…

  11. @Denita TwoDragons: Well, we all think of our neighbors differently in the privacy of our own minds… I don’t judge. :D


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