Own Your Own Roach Motel

1720 W. Bonanza Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89106

Not only could the listing agent not be bothered to sweep up the dead roaches, but they took a photograph that appears to be primarily intended to feature the dead roaches. Wow.

1720 W. Bonanza Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89106

Really looks like a nice place.

1720 W. Bonanza Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89106

I also like how the listing shows it as “Undisclosed Address,” but then they include a photo that shows the address. The specific number at the beginning is a little hard to read though…

1720 W. Bonanza Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89106

Okay there we go. So much for “undisclosed.”

Found by: Christin C.

About the Author

Marty E.
Naked Loon Editor-in-Chief

2 Comments on "Own Your Own Roach Motel"

  1. Well, that’s… sad. Given the condition of “Desert Garden,” I suspect the dead bugs shot was meant to reassure the viewer that the unit has been successfully fumigated.

    Yet another barely-built-before-it-was-foreclosed sandpit. Note the picture of the electrical meters, with their large, legible unit numbers under the stenciled “Main Electrical Disconnect” sign. Like the bug shot, it lets you know why the workmen are usually there while offering backhanded comfort that your particular unit will be OK. Or at least, not disconnected by mistake.

  2. Absolutely nothing worth saying. Except…. ya gotta love the upside down cabinet door on the left hand side of Pic 10. Yup, all sorts of not-paying-attention going on here.


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